Light Towers

At first glance, the World of nebulae resembles our Earth: there is water, mountains, plants and trees - mostly conifers. Trees grow almost everywhere because of the climatic features of the planet. There are also animals, fish, birds and human-like intelligent creatures – FOGMEN. It may seem that the World of nebulae is not much different from our world. However, there are some significant differences. The planet where the World of nebulae exists can be found in a distant alien galaxy, it is not illuminated by a star like the Sun, and there are no familiar to us concepts of day, night or seasons. One may think that complete darkness should reign in such a world, but this is not entirely true - this world has light. The horizon is covered with a mesmerizing misty glow shimmering with yellow and green colors. It can be compared to the aurora borealis, which we observe on Earth.

However, the truth is that darkness reigns over most of the planet, and as for the illuminated lands – there are gaps in the glow: sometimes they disappear and then appear again. We know about 5 holes that have not changed their shape and location for several centuries, and there is nothing but ominous darkness under them. Across the unlit part of the world there stretches the Black Forest. Darkness always reigned there, and its pines were so tall that it is believed you could climb one of them and see the glow from above. At a height, a breathtaking picture opened up: the light from a billion stars that could not be seen from the surface was scattered over the glow. Needless to say, such a forest also had its own scary tales that would discourage anyone from visiting it.

Gray Birds were ancient inhabitants of the forest, they tended their nests on the tops of giant pines. Gray Birds would often fly to the illuminated lands, some of them even made friends with the Fogmen. However, no matter how far and how long the birds flew, they always returned to the Black Forest.

Gray Birds (coming soon)

The holes in the glow smoothly transitioned from light to dark and the so-called Twilight Zones were formed in these places. One of these zones extended along the rocks where rare mushrooms grew. These mushrooms were found only in these places and the Fogmen used them to brew various miraculous elixirs and potions, the recipes of which were passed down from generation to generation. There were many peculiar things on the rocks: one could meet white foxes here that emitted dim light, beetles of incredible size and many other fascinating creatures.

white foxes (coming soon)
BIg beetles (coming soon)

Huts of the Fogmen could also be found on the rocks. Usually, these were houses where mushrooms were collected and potions were cooked from time immemorial, but it was a rare thing. Mostly, the Fogmen would live in small dugouts under the light of the Glow and gather berries, roots and other similar plants. But not all Fogmen lived in dugouts, some houses were built above the ground and their inhabitants had a craft. Such houses had the following names:

1. The house where potions are brewed. (coming soon)

We have already mentioned these Fogmen (there were two such houses and they had completely different recipes. While medical potions were brewed in the first house, more mysterious potions were brewed in the second one)

2. The house where oil is made (coming soon)
3. The house where light is created (coming soon)
4. The house where inventions are made (coming soon)
5. The house that watches the weather (coming soon)
6. The house that illuminates the sea (coming soon)
7. The watching house (coming soon)
8. The house of the Time Keeper (coming soon)

Such houses were created by small communities and restricted to certain locations. There were 8 main locations, 6 residential and two where darkness reigned:

1. The Mushroom Rocks
2. The Valley
3. The Cloudy Mountain
4. The Green Sea
5. The Foggy Meadow
6. The Cold Rocks
7. The Black Forest
8. The Mountain of Silence

There are many other towers!

Follow us to learn their stories.

Idea and artwork by Viktor Storozhuk.